England Lacrosse AGM - Sunday 11 October


The England Lacrosse Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to take place on Sunday 11 October 2020 commencing at 12noon.

In consideration of the government restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the board has decided that the 2020 AGM be held ‘virtually’ with the meeting taking place through the Microsoft Teams platform.

The board has discussed the limitations that come with holding the AGM online and in a review of the articles of association has agreed the following processes to conduct the required business in line with our rule structures.

Attending the AGM

 The AGM will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and we request that each affiliated member (organisation/institution) submit the details of one representative who will attend the AGM on behalf of your organisation prior to the AGM being held.

Voting at the AGM

The AGM voting process will also be carried out online using a secure voting platform and will be open from Friday 2 October until Friday 9 October inclusive. The results of the vote will be announced at the AGM and then published on our social media platforms.

The relevant documents related to the AGM are now able to be viewed on the governance section of the England Lacrosse website.

Each affiliate organisation should have received email information relating to registering for AGM attendance and AGM Voting through their nominated club contact. If you do not think your organisation has received this information, please contact us at info@englandlacrosse.co.uk

If you have any other questions relating to the AGM, again please email info@englandlacrosse.co.uk