England Lacrosse is today (Friday 10 July) in the process of submitting our Return to Play action plan to DCMS outlining our proposals on how our sport can move to the next stage of the Roadmap for Return to Lacrosse.
Following yesterday’s DCMS announcement regarding recreational sport, each individual sport has been asked to submit an action plan demonstrating how their sport will operate, with any adaptations or mitigations required, to ensure a safe playing environment and adhering to all relevant guidelines.
Many of the required mitigations around minimising COVID-19 transmission risk such as attendance registers and venue considerations have already been considered and adopted within our current Phase 3 guidance, and we are confident that our Phase 4 action plans will be approved by DCMS in the coming days.
Our Phase 4 action plans are based around a return to modified full training and competitive play adapted in line with the relevant recommendations for minimising the risks of COVID-19 transmission.
England Lacrosse plans to hold webinars towards the end of next week to further explain the new guidelines, any adaptations in place, and the requirements for facility provisions.
We are all understandably looking forward to moving to the next phase of the return to lacrosse, however, we would like to reiterate to our lacrosse community that we should all continue to follow the current approved EL guidance until any changes are approved and subsequently announced.