At the National Lacrosse Committee (NLC) meeting on Tuesday 5 May, NLC voted in favour of implementing the World Lacrosse women’s field rule changes within the domestic game for the upcoming 2020/21 season.
The rule changes include free movement after a whistle, defensive movement through the goal circle, and a simplified fan. This follows on from the adoption of simplified stick specifications approved in January.
The scope of the domestic game includes; England Lacrosse leagues, regional, school, and university (pending approval from BUCS Rules & Regulations meeting) competitions.
Below you will find details about each of the new rules, along with further guidance and practical scenarios to assist officials, players and coaches.
To further aid the understanding and application of the rule changes, England Lacrosse will be running educational webinars hosted by International Umpire, Paul Bibby.
These webinars, taking place on Tuesday 9 & Thursday 11 June, will be free to join and will provide the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification ready for the return of lacrosse.
Sign up for the webinars can be found below, after which you will later be sent a link to access the webinar securely.
For any questions or clarifications regarding the new rules, email Officiating Coordinator, Ryan Griffiths
Rule Changes in short:
- Removal of 15m arc and changes to the 11m fan
- Introduction of free movement
- Allowance to self start outside the 11m advantage flag area. This includes when the ball goes out of bounds at the side and end lines – the player must stand 2m inside the boundary before the self start
- Defensive player/s may move through the goal circle
- Advantage flag area includes the playing area behind the goal that runs 12m deep and 11m to each side of the centre of the goal line (due to removal of 15m arc)
Rule Change full wording: