It’s a strange and difficult time and many of you may be worried about how coronavirus will affect many aspects of your life but here are some simple tips that could help you through it.
England Lacrosse Club Co-ordinator, Kasey Allen, has put together her guide on how to look after your mental health during this time and her ways to get used to a new lifestyle.
Find the right space to work – as nice as the sofa seems with a packet of biscuits, make sure you have a clean space to work. Hopefully you see it increases productivity and makes the sofa more appealing at the end of the day;
Stay in touch - keep in contact with your family and friends; you can still connect from a distance - call your friend, have a video call catch-up with your family or check-in with someone on social media;
Do things you enjoy - try reading that book you’ve been meaning to start, watch that new series, or try a new skill;
Get into a daily routine - you might find it helpful to plan out your time in advance and know what you are doing each day so you have something to look forward to;
Get up and get dressed - it can be hard to get motivated but set your alarm and get up within 10 minutes of it going off; get dressed properly for the day and don’t just throw on a tracksuit;
Take a break from social media if you need to - if the updates are getting too much, it is OK to take a step back;
Eat well and stay hydrated – we all know how easy it is to snack when you’re bored and the fridge is so close! But think about your diet and routine - especially drinking enough water for your physical and mental health;
Get/stay active - whether you are a player, coach, or parent, it is important that you keep active in these times of isolation. A lot of us don’t have gym equipment at home, but remaining active and building physical activity into your daily routine is key to supporting your mental wellbeing. Use what you have in the home and don’t create boundaries; tins of beans or water bottles can be fantastic aids for a home workout. Many home workouts can be found online or on social media;
Most important, Look after you! - please look after yourselves during this time; get fresh air where possible and keep connected with your fellow laxxers and coaches. Check in with those that you suspect may be lonely or struggling, but, most importantly, reach out to your nearest and dearest if you need support.