The 2024 ELA Ltd. Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 13 November, commencing 6:00pm. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format both virtually on Microsoft Teams and at the Landmark Offices, 1 Kings Cross Bridge, London N1 9NW.

All of the information relating to the AGM, including the meeting agenda, can be found in the accompanying documents below.

Accompanying Documents

2024 EL AGM Agenda

2023 EL AGM Minutes

2024 EL Audited Accounts

Letter of Representation

2023/24 EL Annual Report

Resolution to Amend Bye Laws

EL Bye Laws Clean Version

EL Bye Laws Track Change Version

Hybrid Meeting – registration for attendance:
The board has decided that the 2024 AGM be held as a ‘hybrid’ meeting with the meeting taking place in London and through the Microsoft Teams platform. The board has discussed the feedback from last year’s ‘hybrid’ AGM and in a review of the articles of association has agreed the following processes to conduct the required business in line with our rule structures.

Each affiliated member (organisation/institution) can submit the details of one representative who will attend the AGM on behalf of their organisation prior to the AGM being held. Please use the following link to submit the details by Tuesday 29 October of your representative who will join the AGM (either virtually or in-person). Please ensure these details are correct as they will be used to share the call joining information or gain entry to the meeting room.
Registration Link: https://englacrosse.typeform.com/to/QlAvtuEA

The form will have space for your organisation to submit questions to the Chair of the Board for consideration either for the formal meeting or the Q&A session which will be held as usual at the conclusion of the AGM. If you have any accessibility requirements to assist you or your organisation’s representative being able to participate in the meeting virtually or in-person, please do get in touch so we can discuss how best these can be met.

Voting – register to vote:
Voting at the AGM will be carried out online using a secure voting platform and will be open from Wednesday 30 October (the attached voting form has been provided to indicate the votes that will be taking place). The voting will remain open until the completion of the item at the AGM, with the results of each vote provided after each item and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. England Lacrosse encourages voting prior to the meeting.

Each affiliated member (organisation/institution) of England Lacrosse is entitled to have one representative vote on their behalf on matters arising at the AGM. To complete the voting process, we require the name and email address by Tuesday 29 October of the representative nominated so a secure invitation can be sent to enable them to vote within the outlined timeframe.
Registration Link: https://englacrosse.typeform.com/to/Ue016Arf